Crown Royal Stoves Water Sample Instructions

May 5, 2024

Crown Royal Stoves requires a water sample to be submitted on a yearly basis to maintain the stove's warranty. For the first water sample after a new install, let the water circulate with all pumps running for at least 48 hours before a sample test is collected.

To submit a water sample to Crown Royal Stoves, first ensure the furnace is turned off and the water has cooled to a safe temperature. Collect a 4 oz sample of treated water using the provided sample bottle, and label it with the necessary information. Mail the labeled sample to the designated testing facility within the required timeframe, typically within 30 days of collection. You can expect to receive the test results via email or mail within 4-6 weeks.

The test may result in adjustments to your boiler water such as adding more control chemical or PH balancer. Make the required adjustments to keep your boiler in tip top shape for the long haul.

If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!